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responsible source origin root cause causal at kill blame from IT aetiology prompt underlie attribution mainspring culprit of effectuate lie behind lie at the root of something causative reason start root cause motive subject lose remind impute bring on courtesy of purge death contributory claim clang undo be at the bottom of something seed antecedent advocacy imputation diagnosis suspect teach account for sth account (to sb) for sth reproduce sink substratum have sabotage
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wellspring what with do inquest causality experiment implicate feel like be at the bottom of sth explain spill espousal set finish initiate centre determine engender impute sth to sb ruination destroy extinguish occasion give birth undercut ascription public inquiry full credit for generate occasional unravel at bottom be at the bottom of be at the centre of something alter let ascribe dependence clear up (something) raise point kiss float put a lid on lift knock (something) on the head bring underlying do away with qualify peril convince causation grief spark of unknown origin evoke stifle heighten sow factor explanation beginning foment chance vexation impregnate the reason behind something undoing get throw get (something) over with get (something) over further for negate pull prolong get to the bottom of kink strike jut ultimate push sth up/down mortification doom levitation infuse clank put a new/different complexion on gag reflex insert turn sth on its head freeze make induce effect lie behind sth villain of the piece bottom detonate spell doom for federalize nationalize complaint protagonism provoke besmirch decide control make (a) nonsense of chip bend implant ruin turn critical mass proximate cause interrupt put drain villain assertion demean not be the end of the world idiopathic sake comic timing giving author paralyze etiology kiss of death discredit drain off red-flagging groundswell consequently violent diagnose surface spill out curve cost dispersal jam roll persuade rear disrupt let sth down flap gall in the teeth of sth nuisance bar beget bid sth up evil gore make someone's skin crawl dedication allergen inundate zoom in/out create possess litigate ignite arrest decompose commencement virology give persistence overthrow palliate necropsy recline static electricity affliction discomfort fear factor westernize hear/see the last of sth donate foreshorten pressurize lead fasten on/upon sth charity discussion resurrection founding nauseate trigger mechanics obliteration precariousness consciousness patron swamp distraction reorganize contingency fund marble affright form torque fertilize sprocket investigate export blow champion rub damn making convincing glut wherefore dishearten conclusion merge enigma judicial bond corruption end evangelical mystery institute attributable submerged obstacle banana peel forfeit suction jamais vu refresh persuasive hit the fan revest starve philippize ring activate promise hallucination mess aseptic dip disgust inductance proliferate -fy antisepsis exogenous troubleshoot stalwart memorial worriment discompose shrivel reverse force carcinogenic desert opening run flank awareness sacrifice wonderment decay causeless onset inconvenience illusion disturb intensifying sensation kerfuffle rancid known dawn bite backlash contingent adverb disagree scandalous kickoff down malady cover losing lost bedevil postmortem exposure botheration nature termination initiation exploitation vertex avoidance act provocative blush determinant keep disintegration destruction attach give rise to revive sorrow right burst matter attribute snap abasement compromise dissatisfaction restitution band unattainable distend evacuation retardation trash perpetuate astonishment rally subvert operator sell destruct produce touch instigate splash plague terminate drive close shame overturn pine joy admiration the fat is in the fire trouble differentiate cloy fade fatigue splatter venue consequence dynamite halt chemical change stop move disruption abettor brakes investment horrendous employ fright offend skip do for hybridize convulse weal account overlie harmful decompress necrosis deflate smash unteach assure defeat rock pledge poison unright span entirety exercise totality breed spoil objection obloquy stain thump cast chap burn faithful premise donation inscription bait boost send stick sound frustrate gnaw fracture ravage kick change dilute obverse accomplishment negation worth antipodes import face negligence orient come sight consideration accelerate autopsy germ relevant advocate boast rhinovirus bulk receipt excision achievement creation Dom measurement face value apex allotment metalwork enlightenment replacement repair ending the tail end green flat cream use celebration complexion cutting signature insulation lick follow through entry interior base keep something from motrix end with sound/ring/toll the death knell condone disappear undone lie behind something store up snick extend spell set (something) on its ear contest cheapen eject temptation divide pamphleteer frighten into make a song and dance about (something) tear/rip to shreds haunt scare into contributive bring something to pass bring something about blow something up present bring something back nsu wrack suberize invoke complacency spend yield grievance made commune oncogenic sword omnicausality afford understand ferment subversion opprobrium behind draw wreck do someone in inspire do up microcrack satisfaction carry off protagonist pain shock bunker curse cross-fertilize unmake split sow the seeds of sth publicize causing caused stopped stopping devastate banish heat rot bethink bring about something blink flutter shut start (or get or set) the ball rolling call into question call forth something bring sth about throw/bring into question deflect touch something off lean be hard on something spur call forth sth wrought derange begin collapse ping warrant bring something on result in ram rake ratio essendi belittle metal fatigue fill someone/something with something froth speed conjure demoralizer smash in partake a rod for your own back back contingency knock sb/sth down hang swallow puncture blow/take the lid off sth introduce jog roil trip stir up suggest interest provide for throw up discolour hark back lay up trouble for yourself malice dislocate break upset original drag disable plant cut dig your own grave a cloud on the horizon dangle rise materia prima panel catalyze animate downgrade dazzle disappoint satiate subdivide surprise open someone's eyes spread something out (over something) tangle bring (or call) into play off-puttingly rattle set the wheels in motion cut a (wide) swathe through something scourge co–opt crumple incriminate stagger wash vermifuge therefore scare psychogenic wash out (something) make time for (someone) disgrace defrost crusade gratuitous rid sb/sth of sth/sb strain playing with fire frighten away/off prejudice oust sustain soak univocal philhellene downfall a stick to beat sb with bash counteract divest of autopathy ern funnel amplify abort mortify pouch self-devotion revolt urbanize Tory desorb dwarf evangelize flare cause and effect blister abase congeal humiliate come between antiseptic hurt mold embalm mean owe subscription defuse militant malicious abandonment soothe bleb destructive jelly pathogenesis stanch support supplant gripe chagrin apostasy meningococcus labyrinthitis cloud seeding humble agitprop nuclease death toll stimulate demyelinate take back resolve orator desertion itch figure something out depressurize fail-safe figure deactivate pejorate sore blind born-again championship dap advancement actionability perturb domino incubate provocation shatter fatality rate defoliate inflame bacteriology ingenerate prophet Islamism overflow underlay ripple infect nodulate eclipse autoregulate boosterism be your own worst enemy break up dull the edge of the making of aversion bloody sicken rootstock prickle invitation wrinkle pop injure bring down something flush hazard enemy let sth out give rise to something pose put (or bring or carry) something into effect shoot standardize twine liquefy lay waste to light up (something) snuff sth out send forth wreak mover monetize enmesh bring back something efface jog someone's memory dovetail knock the bottom out of flaw get it through your thick head improve make or break something chalk something up jump reveal joke remove realize scupper short wet gladden thrill run someone/something off (somewhere) submerge righteous put sb in mind of sth put someone to something score screw jest roughen set light to slap kick–start rust remind (someone) of set (something) in motion sway sentence incurve contribute kick off jog your memory make a mountain out of a molehill wriggle set fire to set something afire/aflame/ablaze reconcile to set sb off stage screw something up put sth back death sentence bob affect second cause light give (someone) to understand expedite challenge bring to light set something on fire whip up wind whirl permutate chalk decelerate propel overheat bust up blank out magnetize inflict fret subspecialize attack menace expunge fray play (merry) hell with hasten coercion inch compulsion work fire up jump–start amuse rustle cast a (dark) cloud administer terminus delight silhouette annunciation carcass fountainhead constitution level passing last gasp spread significance manufacture birth inception derivation heft dimension the mass of something makeup subtraction outset employment quantity uplifting genesis core organization specifics disposal principle taste utilization all deployment nexus fountain the off expiration betterment idea leave influence burden ulcerate perturbation horror felicity cryptogenic tribulation hemolyze quarrel turn on barrage steam anxiety objectify surfeit biohazard boil divert interleave bung sth up look over one's shoulder the devil is in the detail same put the squeeze on something/someone mainstream flick

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Words For "the cause of something"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the cause of something" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the cause of something" are: responsible, source, origin, root, and cause. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to the cause of something listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the cause of something" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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